7 Signs Of Iodine Deficiency In A Woman’s Body

Can’t tune in to work? Lose weight again fails, and fatigue has become chronic? It seems that you have a lack of iodine, and it is time to get rid of it. Let us tell you how to compensate for iodine deficiency in the body, and what products to use for this.

Iodine deficiency in the body: symptoms

A lack of thyroid hormones has many different consequences. Usually this:

  • lethargy, fatigue;
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  • digestive problems;
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  • weight gain in the absence of appetite (which is remarkable);
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  • difficulty concentrating and memory;
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  • frequent dizziness;
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  • swelling in the eye area and enlargement of the thyroid gland (endemic goiter).
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    Iodine Deficiency

    All this is due to a lack of iodine in the body. Also, the lack of iodine affects the dryness of the skin and mucous membranes, difficulty sweating, reduced immunity, a feeling of heaviness in the chest, painful menstruation.

    A urine test will also show a shortage of iodine if you go to a medical facility. Be sure to do this if you are familiar with the above.

    Iodine is largely consumed by the thyroid gland, and is also concentrated in the mammary glands, eyes, gastric mucosa, salivary glands and cervix. Obviously, this element is especially important for women’s health. Iodine activates the brain, is involved in fat loss and weight loss, promotes proper growth and gives more energy, normalizes blood pressure.

  • Daily intake of iodine for an adult – 150 – 200 mcg
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  • Daily rate for a pregnant woman – 220 – 399 mcg
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  • For nursing women – 290 – 399 mkg
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    Not enough iodine – eat seafood!

    Himalayan Salt

    Products with high iodine content:


    Content of iodine per 100 g of product, mcg

    Squid Meat


    Sea Kale




    Haddock, pollock






    Pink salmon, tuna, sprat, carp, capelin




    Ice cream


    Chicken egg


    Possible causes of iodine deficiency.

    Iodine deficiency develops for two reasons. The first – the lack of this trace element in the diet. The second is a way of life. In particular, smoking and other bad habits, increased radiation background, OK reception. And, of course, the period of pregnancy and lactation.

    Know yourself? Noticed signs of iodine deficiency? Take an iodine deficiency test and see a doctor.