Cleansing With Castor Oil – 100% Result
Castor oil is a natural remedy for quick bowel cleansing, known since ancient times. This natural laxative will help get rid of constipation, bloating and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, destroy bacteria and eliminate many other problems of the gastrointestinal tract.
A laxative of plant origin causes irritation of the intestinal receptors (along its entire length) and the reflex enhancement of peristalsis. A relaxing effect occurs after 5 – 6 hours.
Castor oil for oral use is used exclusively for constipation. No more than 3 days in a row. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, fat-soluble poisoning, acute stomach syndrome, liver disease, feverish states. The laxative agent of quick action has practically no restrictions for use – this simple way of cleansing the intestines is suitable for adults and children from 4 years.
How to drink castor oil to cleanse the intestines?

Castor Oil To Cleanse The Intestines
Pour into a cup from 25 to 100 ml of oil (depending on your weight, look at the table), dilute with freshly squeezed lemon or orange juice. Drink on an empty stomach. The clock should be 6 – 7 am.
After 15 – 30 minutes, drink a few servings of hot water, as usual, drink tea. About 3 to 4 small cups with an interval of 10 to 15 minutes. This will improve intestinal motility and contribute to its speedy cleaning.
As soon as a laxative will work, visit the toilet 2 – 3 times, then stop drinking water. Drink a glass of kefir, ryazhenka, yogurt, during the day refrain from junk food – fried, smoked, salty, spicy. And eat so a couple of days, and better – more!

Castor Oil
How to take castor oil for cleansing: correct dosage
Body weight, kg
The amount of castor oil, ml
Approximate amount of water,glasses of water
40 – 49 kg
20 – 25 ml
50 – 59 kg
25 – 30 ml
2 – 3
60 – 69 kg
30 – 40 ml
2 – 3
70 – 79 kg
40 – 60 ml
2 – 4
80 – 89 kg
50 – 70 ml
3 – 4
90 – 99 kg
60 – 75 ml
3 – 4
100 – 109 kg
60 – 85 ml
3 – 4
110 – 119 kg
60 – 85 ml
4 – 5
120 – 129 kg
60 – 85 ml
4 – 5
130 – 139 kg
60 – 90 ml
4 – 5
140 – 149 kg
60 – 90 ml
4 – 5
more than 150 kg
60 – 100 ml
4 – 6
Approximate amount of oil that you can take inside is indicated in this table. Do not deviate from these recommendations if you prefer cleansing with castor oil.

Castor Oil For Lash
Use of castor oil for bowel cleansing: general recommendations
Despite the fact that cleansing the body with castor oil has very few contraindications, remember that there is an individual intolerance to this remedy. Begin to use the oil, following the instructions clearly and observing the dosage.
If castor oil to cleanse the intestines did not suit you – the procedure seemed painful or not very comfortable, stop taking the remedy immediately and be sure to see a doctor to prescribe treatment for you, because you need to fight constipation – this is very harmful.
Purification with castor oil does not harm any person whose health is normal. The tool is banned for pregnant women, but before planning motherhood, getting rid of toxins will not interfere. Try castor oil or other cleansing methods. We talked about them here.
The procedure for cleansing for an adult can be carried out no more than once in 1 – 2 months, not more than 3 days in a row. For obvious reasons, it is better to do on a day off.