Drying Body Diet-The Menu, Stages And Rules Of Nutrition

Drying the body, above all, involves a gradual reduction in caloric intake (a deficit of 10 to 30% is created), depending on the progress of fat loss and the final goal of the athlete.

  • Food on the drying is quite strict – the vast majority of harmful goodies will have to say goodbye. The first step is to reduce the amount of fast carbohydrates and animal fats. Ideally, remove it altogether.
  • Diet (drying) also involves the consumption of a sufficient amount of liquid, not less than 2.5 liters. If you drink less, the metabolic processes slow down, which in turn will slow down and burn fat. It is also necessary to observe the drinking regime because during dehydration the blood thickens, which is undesirable for the heart during intensive training.

    Drink more pure water!

    Main rules of drying

    In short, drying the body for girls and men is a special principle of nutrition, which is based on the use of predominantly low-carb and protein foods. Diet implies a gradual decrease in body fat with preservation of muscle mass.

    To Dry Your Body Muscles And Reduce Body Fat.Diet

    To Dry Your Body Muscles And Reduce Body Fat.Diet

  • Body drying is indicated for people with a sufficient amount of muscle mass, not suffering from obesity.
  • As a rule, such food is practiced by competing athletes, professional bodybuilders, bodybuilders in order to bring the body into the desired look and get into the necessary weight category. Ideally, athletes lose weight under the supervision of experienced instructors, the benefit of the diet is quite strict.

    Tips To Get A Shredded Body

    Tips To Get A Shredded Body

    If you decide to “dry out” for yourself, remember the simple rules:

  • Start gradually (a special step-by-step guide has been developed for a smooth infusion of the process, which we will write about below).
  • Eat in small portions 5 to 6 times a day (every 2 to 3 hours). Do not eat 2 hours before a workout and 1.5 hours after (only amino acids and protein). Not less than 40% of the daily protein can be obtained from protein shakes, the remaining 60% – from food.
  • Remember clean water – at least 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight (you can do more during intensive workouts and heat).
  • Program For A Shredded Summer Body

    Program For A Shredded Summer Body

  • Weight loss on drying means a balanced diet: you must consume at least 10% of unsaturated fats, fish, omega-3. Eat cereals, vegetables, nuts, take a sufficient amount of fiber and do not forget about taking vitamin-mineral complexes. The number of fruits and berries on the dryer is limited, so it is unlikely to be able to do without vitamin.
  • Burn Fat

    Burn Fat

  • During this period it is necessary to train hard and hard, alternating strength exercises with cardiovascular exercises. The best option in each case will be a fitness instructor or trainer.
  • Periodicity of the diet for relief – no more than 1 time per year.
  • Only in this case, drying the body at home will be effective and will not have a negative impact on health.

    What can and can not in this period: a list of products

    During the drying period, it is necessary to completely exclude: confectionery, sweets, pastries, any alcohol, pasta, bread, white rice, smoked, fried and fatty dishes, ice cream, mayonnaise and other fatty and sweet sauces, fatty cheese, sausages, canned food, snacks .

    In small quantities: cereal porridge, vegetable, olive, linseed oil (completely fat-free food – a direct way to the deterioration of metabolism). You can also spoil the skin and hair. The girls may have problems with the cycle.

    It is recommended to eat: lean meat (veal, rabbit, chicken breast, turkey), fish, low-fat dairy and dairy products, eggs (you can eat a lot of protein, yolk – a limited amount), brown and wild rice, beans, lentils, some mushrooms, vegetables and fruits (in small quantities), greens, sports nutrition.

    A Diet To Get A Shredded Body

    A Diet To Get A Shredded Body

    Drying: menu and meal plan

    It is necessary to switch to drying gradually (a sharp transition to protein food is harmful for your health). In order to begin improving the relief smoothly, a phased plan has been developed that needs to be followed.

  • Drying of the body for men and women is somewhat different in the the diet: for women the decrease in carbohydrates is more gradual, and the amount remains somewhat larger than for men. The basic principles remain unchanged.
  • Drying the body for a month. The first stage of the diet

    The first stage lasts 4 weeks. 50% proteins; fats 20%; carbohydrates 30%.

    Sample menu:

  • Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese – 200 g, whole-grain toast, fruit
  • Lunch: steamed fish or stewed breast or beef – 200 g, boiled water-based porridge without sugar, milk and butter (any, except white rice) – 100 g, fresh vegetable salad – 100 g
  • Dinner: poultry meat – 150 g, steamed vegetables – 100 g, porridge – 100 g
  • Stage Two (Carbohydrate)

    The second stage lasts only 7 days. Proteins 70%; fats 20%; carbohydrates 10%. Only complex carbohydrates are allowed (in the morning). Toasts and any bread, even wholemeal bread, are excluded, fruit too. The amount of boiled porridge is sharply reduced. Otherwise, you can follow the scheme of the first stage.

    Protein salad with calamari in 5 minutes

    The third stage (removal of water)

    Duration – one week (7 days). During this period of drying, all carbohydrates are excluded from the menu, and ordinary water is replaced with distilled water. Other products from the first stage remain in limited quantities.

  • Breakfast: fresh vegetable salad – 120 g, boiled egg white – 7 pcs., 1 tbsp. l spoon of any boiled cereal
  • Lunch: 2 tbsp. any boiled cereal, chicken breast – 120 g, fresh vegetable
  • Lunch: fish stew or steamed – 200 g, salad from fresh vegetables without adding salt
  • Lunch: sports nutrition
  • Dinner: seafood boiled or steamed – 200 g, greens
  • The fourth stage (recovery)

    Stage lasts 5 – 6 days. During this period, it is recommended to reintroduce slow carbohydrates with a low glycemic index into the diet. In general, you can follow the menu scheme of the first stage.


    Drying the body for woman at home, as well as for men, is a cardinal measure that should not be used often and unnecessarily. Again, this is usually the lot of athletes preparing for competitions. In addition, the “dry” can only be absolutely healthy people.

  • In no case is such a diet permitted for children and adolescents, pregnant and lactating women.
  • Other contraindications:

  • liver and kidney disease;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Yes, drying is effective. Yes, the plan of action is simple and clear. It is a lot of pluses, but it is not necessary to “sit down” on it if you are not connected with sports.

    How to lose weight at home without drying, read here and here.