Vegetable salad for teens
How to lose weight fast for teens – a serious matter and requires a professional approach. Currently, the problem of excess weight becomes relevant not only for adults who are worried about their health. Entrenched hypoactive, and the habit to eat in haste, snacking crackers and chips, which teenagers is eat with soda water. This is a sample way of life of the average teenager of today.
Naturally teens, living on such routine, notice that their shape so very far from the model standards, that fashion magazines and television heavily promoting. And then they wonder – how to lose weight fast for teens. Then among teens appear all sorts of inferiority complexes, self-flagellation, and vain attempts to get rid of unnecessary weight through strict diets.
Ultimately, this leads to disappointing results. This leads to hormonal disruptions, health deteriorates, and psyche is broken. And for this reason, will have to be approached with the utmost caution to the issue of losing weight, before we begin to fight against overweight, you should always consult with a nutritionist and decide how to lose weight fast for teens.
Teens should immediately adjust to a long process of losing weight because for a young body under the age of 17 years are contraindicated completely rigid diets and fasting days. For a reasonable weight loss of teen is required a balanced diet, choosing of “right” products, and full compliance of diet.
You should also add exercise; they are accelerate fat burning well and would prevent deposition of new fats, and also strengthen the muscles. Teen meals should be divided into 3-4 sessions in a day to slimming process has been successful and painless.
The breakfast becomes the first necessity because food assimilated by the body in the morning, will not turn into extra pounds, and will go to the production of energy. Lunch should be present necessarily; the best lunch for a teenager is soup. Proper nutrition – a guarantee that in the future you do not have to torture yourself a question how to lose weight fast for teens.
It is known that the entrees, in most cases, are not the source of a large amount of calories, and they allow you to feel satiety and lead to normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Diet during weight loss should consist of proteins as they are the main “building blocks” of the body, this is especially important for a growing body. The daily rate of protein should be 20%. Its entry into the body can provide such products as milk, meat (lean), cheese, cottage cheese, cream, nuts. At the same time from the diet teenager should be excluded “empty” carbohydrates, and their main sources are the pies, cakes, sugar, candy, carbonated water, and all flour products, not to think then how to lose weight fast for teens.
If you want to treat yourself to a sweet, you can quench your desire with help of dried fruits. They are tasty and healthy. But carbohydrates, by which the organism should be provided with up to 50%, can be obtained from cereals; the most useful are buckwheat and oat, and even rye bread in small quantities. Teenage body must receive 30% of valuable fats. These fats are found in fish, vegetable oils, but they should be eaten with care and in small quantities. Without fail, the diet should include fruits and vegetables of absolutely any form. They can provide the body the required vitamins, fiber, minerals, as well as other valuable substances.
Most preferably boil, stew, bake the foods or steamed foods, that the weight loss process gave the result. You should necessarily refuse frying. You should also exclude spices, hot spices, meats, canned goods and limit consumption of salt. Juices should be prepared only by you, since purchased juices contain a lot of sugar.
Diet for teens should not be accompanied by feelings of hunger. Teens should eat more often, but in small portions. As a snack well suited light salad, a cup of yogurt or a handful of dried fruit.
Approximate menu for teens:
– Half a pound of buckwheat porridge,
– Tea without sugar.
Brunch :
– A cup of yogurt (low-fat)
– Nuts.
– Soup in meat broth with vegetables (7 ounces)- Rice with sautéed mushrooms (6 ounces)
– Cucumber salad (4 oz.)
– A medium-sized apple.
Late dinner to lose weight fast for teens:
– Baked fish (7 ounces)
– Grated beets (6 ounces) with vegetable oil.
Improper diet in the future could lead to serious problems. Now there is no discomfort, except the feeling of hungry. But over time the picture is bleak. For the reason that the risk of stroke is substantially increased in two times. Also increases threefold the risk of breast cancer. Hypertension and pancreatitis double their chances twice. And the risk of heart failure will increase six-fold. So you need to think how to lose weight fast for teens.
Currently, these problems do not seem significant and difficult for a teenager. For this reason, parents need to monitor compliance with a healthy lifestyle teen; they should address the issue of how to lose weight without harm.