If you want to lose weight, make nettle based drinks. The easiest and fastest recipe is a decoction. Pour the nettle leaves with boiling water (200 ml) and leave for 30 minutes, then strain and consume within a day (take a quarter cup before each meal half an hour before meals).
It is recommended to use glass or ceramic dishes, you can thermos. To prepare the broth, you can take fresh green shoots or dried raw materials harvested from the summer or bought at the pharmacy. Fresh leaves for a glass of boiling water require 2 tablespoons, dried – 1. Instead of leaves, you can also use the seeds or roots of nettle. Systematic consumption of infusion will improve metabolic processes and improve the functioning of the digestive tract. You will notice the first effect in 3 – 4 days!
Nettle tea decoction for weight loss
No less useful and popular is nettle tea for weight loss. It is easy to cook at home. In this case, fresh or dried nettle is also suitable. To “dilute” a mixture of herbs, add chamomile, rosehips, mint, dandelion. To make nettle tea, put all the ingredients in a saucepan, pour boiling water, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Leave to infuse for several hours. To use tea decoction of nettle for weight loss is recommended before each meal, 20 – 30 minutes before the meal.
Medicinal properties of nettle
Owners of summer cottages and private houses often remove nettles as an annoying weed – few people think about how to use this plant to their advantage. Meanwhile, nettle has many special properties.
Nettle is a true healer, taking power from nature itself. It contains carotene, ascorbic acid, vitamins A, B, E, iron, potassium, calcium, tocopherol, organic acids and phytoncids. Nettle strengthens and rejuvenates the body, helps to get rid of excess weight. There is no fat in it at all, but a record content of vitamin K and dietary fiber is noted.
Nettle for weight loss
Nettle is very useful for weight loss, it helps to normalize weight. It is used to make herbal teas and teas that have diuretic and choleretic effect. Broths remove excess fluid, slag and toxins, helping the body to acquire slender forms in the shortest possible time. Nettle heals the body and eliminates 2 – 3 centimeters of excess in the waist, if you use it regularly. The remedy is very effective against edema!
Nettle stimulates the bowels, forcing it to work faster, maintains normal blood sugar levels, has a mild laxative effect, which is also very valuable, especially on a protein diet, when problems with the stool are most likely. Nettle normalizes metabolism and helps to cope with stress (nervousness is a habitual phenomenon on a diet, and the wonderful properties of this plant allow it to cope with it). And, of course, infusions and nettle-based teas dull the feeling of hunger.
How to collect and what nettles to use?
If we are talking about cooking decoctions of nettles, it is important to mention that not all plants are good to eat. The most valuable for losing weight and health are fresh, young shoots, collected by yourself. Ideal if nettle grows in your country house or in the yard of a private house.
We need the simplest nettle – dioecious. And you need to choose the youngest leaves, which have not yet begun to burn skin mercilessly. The first shoots appear already in early spring, even then you can collect nettles. They are best used freshly cut, as well as freeze or dry for future use. Buy dry roots, seeds and leaves can also be in pharmacies, however, the benefits of this herb at times less. It makes sense to buy fees at the pharmacy if it is not possible to obtain fresh raw materials.
It is not recommended to lose weight with nettle with the following contraindications:
And also in the presence of an allergic reaction to the plant (rarely, but occurs).