How To Make Salted Salmon At Home?

Recently we wrote how to choose a good red fish. Detailed material in this article. We also indicated there that it was unsafe to buy ready-made salted fish, especially when sliced, in vacuum-packed. It is better to cook the fish yourself. It is not difficult if you know a couple of tricky home recipes, which we will talk about today. Trout, pink salmon and salmon are the ideal option for salting, they can not be spoiled. For salting, it is desirable to take a whole fish. Fish can be frozen once, but good quality. You should refuse to buy if the fish has been frozen several times. Such fishes look different from others – the meat and squama look dull, yellowish, the flesh easily moves away from the bones and exfoliates. Salt need to choose a large, also of good quality. Ideal oceanic or sea salt, and, of course, your favorite spices. Below are two of the easiest and most delicious recipes for salting red fish with your own hands.

Salted Salmon At Home

How to properly salt red fish at home: Recipe # 1

Salting salmon or dog-salmon can be very tasty with sugar, salt, coriander seeds and a mixture of peppers.

For the preparation we need:
  • 1 kg of red fish fillet (pink salmon, trout, dog-salmon);
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  • 2 tablespoons of coarse sea salt;
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  • 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar;
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  • half a tablespoon of coriander seeds;
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  • half a tablespoon of a mixture of peppers;
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  • bay leaf, 2 pcs.
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    To salt the red fish at home, do the following:

  • Prepare the fillet. Clean the fish from the entrails, scales, tail and fins. Separate the fillet (the most delicious meat is near the head). Rinse the fillet under running cool water (not hot) and pat dry with paper towels. Place the fish on a cutting board.
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  • Mix salt, sugar and spices in a deep bowl and roll a piece of fish on both sides. Store the fillet in a plastic container and close tightly with the lid. Leave on the kitchen table for 4 hours. After this time, transfer the closed container to the refrigerator (for 8 hours or for the night). In the morning, tender and tasty salted red fish is ready! Peel the salt and spices, cut into thin slices and serve to the table.
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    Salted fish cooked at home is not stored for a long time. It is understandable – you did not put preservatives and did not process the meat with incomprehensible drugs. Therefore, it will be correct to store it for no more than a week. Be sure to refrigerate. On the third day of storage, grease the fish with vegetable oil and transfer it to another (dry) container.

    How to quickly pickle red fish – in just 2 hours! Recipe # 2

    You can pickle red fish at home quickly with our next recipe – a real salvation for those who have little time to cook. Such a recipe will allow you to organize a festive table with delicious snacks in just a couple of hours.

    For the preparation we need:


  • 0.5 kg red fish fillet;
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  • 1 liter of clean filtered water;
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  • 4 tablespoons of coarse sea salt;
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  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
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  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
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  • spices to taste.
  • type="square"> How to pickle red fish in a few hours:
  • Prepare the fillet (as in the previous recipe).
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  • Pour water into the pan and put on the fire, dissolve salt and sugar in water. Mix well, add spices and allow to dissolve and cool.
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  • Cut fillets into thin slices. Place in a plastic container of a suitable size and fill with cooled marinade. Close the lid.
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  • Leave the fish for 2 hours at room temperature.
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  • After this time, drain the brine and dry the fish with a paper towel. All is ready! You can put on the table. Before serving, pour the fish with vegetable oil.
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    Salted Salmon

    You can keep such a fish even less – just a day.You can keep such a fish all day. So try to cook in small portions, at one time.

    Now you know how to pickle red fish at home. It is much tastier, healthier and safer than buying ready-made in the store.

    The remaining ingredients for pickling (except for the fillet) are cheapest, and cooking, as you can see, is quite simple!

    Try our salting recipes, share with loved ones and enjoy the taste! Actual during the period of any holidays, especially the New Year holidays.