Lemon And Honey For Weight Loss

For a quicker and more effective weight loss and keeping your body in good shape, try drinking a daily fortified drink lemon water mixed with honey, or living water. The drug has a beneficial effect on the body and allows you to quickly deal with those extra pounds. And lemon water mixed with honey strengthens the immune system and pep.

Lemon water mixed with honey is a quite a popular drink, which is prepared on the basis of warm water with the addition of natural honey and lemon. Lemon water mixed with honey was revered by Roman patricians, incessantly monitoring their health. It was believed that this drink calmed the nervous system and gave vitality.

Elixir Of Youth


To cook lemon water mixed with honey for weight loss, we need:

  • a glass of warm water;
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  • a teaspoon of natural honey;
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  • juice of one lemon (can be halves).
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    Simply mix all the ingredients in a tall glass and enjoy. Water should be warm / room temperature filtered or boiled. In no case can you use boiling water – it will destroy all the beneficial substances contained in honey and lemon.

    Drink is prescribed on an empty stomach, as they got up. You can have breakfast in half an hour. The duration of the drink is about 30 minutes. During this time, Gidromel will make the digestive tract work, supply the body with vitamins and contribute to the speedy awakening and cleansing of the intestines. After half an hour the body will be fully prepared to eat.

    Oatmeal in a jar (recipe here), Italian omelette (recipe here) or diet cheese cakes (5 best recipes here) are suitable for breakfast.

    Water With Honey And Lemon

    The benefits of this drink for weight loss and healing the body

    Vitaminized drink lemon, water with honey is useful for everyone: for losing weight, and for those who are satisfied with their appearance and weight. First of all, lemon water with honey is a source of vitamins, strength and vigor for every day.

    For those who intend to lose weight, water with lemon and honey will provide the desired support. It is enough to use the drink for 30 days to get rid of 4- 6 lb without much effort. If you follow a diet and stick to a calorie deficit, you can lose 10lb or more per month. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to drink three times – immediately after waking up, and then at about 15-00 and 18-00 hours.

    Warm water at a comfortable temperature will trigger metabolic processes and gently stimulate the body to work and get rid of excess. In addition, a glass of water with supplements three times a day will help overcome the feeling of hunger – you will begin to saturate faster and with a smaller amount of food.

    Lemon water mixed with honey also allows to overcome irritability, drowsiness, fatigue, prevents dehydration. And he helps in the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Replace this drink with morning coffee, and after a month the walls of the arteries and veins will become more elastic and strong.

    The drink is good at any time of the year.

    In the summer it quenches thirst perfectly. Optionally, you can add ginger (grated or crushed). And in the winter it supports immunity – you will be sick less often! In winter, it is recommended to absorb. This drink in the morning and before bedtime in order to protect yourself from the flu and acute respiratory infections (honey and lemon are excellent antiseptics).