Why You Need To Take Vitamins?

Every person wants to be healthy. In the modern world, the topic of sport and a healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more popular. Someone goes on raw foods, proper or separate nutrition, becomes a vegetarian, sits on diets, goes in for sports. But many people think about whether to take dietary supplements? For opponents of taking additional drugs there are powerful facts that are worth considering. Scientists have received 3 Nobel Prizes for the discovery of various vitamins. This is a very significant argument.

What is bad about our food?

Grandmothers, grandfathers, and our parents were not aware of any food additives, because all the nutrients they received from the products they raised themselves. Currently, what nature has prepared and laid, we can no longer receive in full because of the ecology, the depletion of the soil, genetically modified products.


People under 30 have a deficiency of nutrients since birth, because the quality of products has changed. In 2005, scientists conducted an experiment and compared the harvest in 1985 and 2005. The amount of vitamin C decreased by 4 times, E – 3 times, A – not at all in products. We do not get substances from food for the normal functioning of the body.

What if I’m eating right?

Imagine that you eat only natural products and are confident in their quality. Do you eat 400 grams of fresh vegetables and fruits daily?

According to the calculations of nutritionists, in order to get all the necessary vitamins and trace elements, a person should eat 5,000 kcal of food. Not everyone can eat that amount of food. And then what will be his figure and weight?

To eat the daily rate of vitamin C, you need to use 1 liter of sauerkraut with cranberries or 4 lemons or a can of black currant. Who can do it? Also, with the wrong process of cooking, freezing, delivery, the amount of nutrients in food decreases. 90% of people are deficient in vitamin D because they spend less time in the sun and outdoors.


If you decide to start taking vitamins, choose natural, not synthetic. And be sure to take tests for the content of specific trace elements in your body. After all, an excess of vitamins is also bad. Everything should be in moderation. Be healthy!

If you have any acute or chronic diseases, during pregnancy or during lactation, in children or very respectable age, please consult with a doctor before taking vitamins and dietary supplements.