10 Healthy Desserts That Are Allowed On A Diet
What to do if you want a sweet? Familiar situation, is not it? In order not to think every time what to eat sweet on a diet, keep on hand this list of healthy and tasty foods.
As nutritionists say, the rejection of sugar and its products is the most difficult for most women. We part with smoked salyts and fried potatoes without regret, but farewell to the new-fashioned cupcakes is no longer easy.
No purchased cakes, muffins and milk chocolate should not linger a day in your diet if you intend to lose weight. But these 10 delicacies are allowed!
10 permitted food
1 place. The most useful natural sweets – berries and fruits on the diet are not only allowed, but recommended, because they contain a huge amount of fiber and vitamins.

Cane Sugar
And remember, fruits and berries are a separate meal. Do not eat them immediately after breakfast or lunch (it is not recommended just before the meal).
2nd place. Natural honey in the diet – one of the few wholesome sweets that are permissible in the process of active weight loss. The product normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes the elimination of toxins, combats chronic fatigue and stress, helps to overcome cravings for sweets. It has a light sedative and sedative effect.

Honey is exceptionally nutritious and healthy (if it is natural, of course), but there are also limitations: diabetes and allergy to the product. With care to pregnant and lactating women.
3rd place. Choosing sweets in the diet, do not ignore the bitter chocolate (not to be confused with dairy – it is harmful for the waist and for health). Dark black chocolate with weight loss allows you to overcome cravings for sweets and endure hardships. So your jet fuse will be enough for a longer period.
But the benefits do not end there. Chocolate with a high cocoa content (from 72% or more, the more, the healthier the chocolate will be) contains a huge amount of cocoa butter, riboflavin, thiamine, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins. Dark chocolate promotes fat burning, fights inflammation, reduces stress. On sale today you can find bitter chocolate without sugar. It is even better in our case.

If you are losing weight, eat no more than 25 grams of dark chocolate per day (all the excess will be stored as fat). Such chocolate can be harmful even when it is made from low-quality raw materials.
4th place. Marshmallow can help lose weight! The product does not contain fat at all, but is rich in protein, it contains iron, phosphorus, and often natural extracts. Average caloric content – in one hundred grams of product about 300 kcal. But, nevertheless, it is great for people on a diet.
This also includes air marshmallows on proteins that can be added to coffee or cocoa. For better effect, you can try marshmallows without sugar. In stores such products are available.

5th place. Two more popular sweets without fat – marshmallow and marmalade. Products include pectin derived from fruits. Gelling agents contained in the marmalade, a beneficial effect on the joints, good for the skin, hair and nails. The advantage is to give natural products. Especially nutritionists advise apple marshmallow.
Buy natural fruit candy and marmalade. Eat no more than 30 grams per day.
6th place. Dried fruits are a great alternative to cakes. These delicious and healthy sweets while maintaining a diet support the body’s defenses, give energy and nourish you while you are losing weight. Dried apricots, dates and raisins contain a huge amount of fiber and valuable minerals, they are very useful for the heart and blood vessels. And prunes – the best natural remedy for the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, which is important during a diet.

Healthy Sweets
Dried fruits are sweeter than fresh fruits, they are more calories, so they are best used with caution, in small handfuls, no more than 1 to 2 times a day. We recommend prunes, dried apricots, dates, papaya, figs, raisins.
7th place. Halva. The product is also very high in calories, so eat moderately. Sunflower or peanut halva is most common, often also without sugar, on fructose. Halva contains unique natural antiseptics and vegetable fats, but is surprisingly quickly absorbed by the body; rich in protein and dietary fiber.
8th place. Candied fruit – juicy pieces of fruit and berries, candied or cooked in syrup. The product does not contain fat, helps to recover from intense physical exertion, relieves fatigue, has excellent taste properties. True, only real candied fruits prepared without dyes and extra additives are useful.
9th place. Homemade jam is also allowed, but in very small quantities, literally a spoon or two. In two spoons will be about 75 kcal, which is quite acceptable.
The most low-calorie are: cranberry jam (about 198 kcal), sea buckthorn (165 kcal), citrus peel (175 kcal), lingonberry (about 160 kcal).
You can also make homemade jams, as they say, at one time, without rolling them into banks. In this case, you can not even take sugar, but, for example, its substitutes.
10th place. Cane sugar. If you even buy sugar, then cane. It is much more useful than white beetroot. Firstly, it is not so calories. Secondly, these small golden-brown lenses contain a lot of zinc, magnesium, phosphorus and iron.
And in small quantities, muesli (with a good composition), kozinaki on fructose (a very small amount) and, of course, protein bars are allowed.
Do not ban sweet during a diet, but adhere to the following rules:
Always keep a handful of candied fruit, a chocolate bar or a jar of honey at home or at work in your drawer. Wanted – ate a little, and the process of losing weight does not seem so exhausting. If you have any illnesses, please consult your doctor.