Cleansing A Colon For Weight Loss – 7 Ways
Improper diet, overeating, drinking alcohol – all this leads to slagging of the intestine. This can manifest itself in different ways: gas and bloating, disruption of the body’s natural processes, deterioration of the skin, edema, and lack of appetite. Belly sticks out of jeans – spoils the mood and treacherously disrupts plans for the evening.
Fortunately, the problem is solved – a quick colon cleansing. Procedures are simple and painless, they are easy to perform at home.
The best ways to cleanse a colon at home
The first and easiest way to cleanse the colon – bran. The cellulose that they contain, like a good brush, “sweeps out” fecal stones, toxins, radionuclides, and heavy metals from the body. Cleansing the intestines of toxins occurs in 20 – 30 days, but the effect is noticeable immediately. 3 times a day before meals (during the month) you need to eat two tablespoons of bran, with two glasses of water. This method is not the fastest, but very effective and practically has no contraindications. Such a course should be conducted no more than 1 time per year.Second method. Colon Cleansing with Flax
Flax seeds for colon cleansing is another useful product that perfectly cleans the body. Flax seeds, like bran, swell in the colon under the action of a large amount of fluid, helping to eliminate mucus, slag and toxins as it passes through the intestine. Detoxification occurs carefully and gently – no discomfort. How and with what to take flax seeds, we wrote earlier.
Third – colon cleansing with kefir or yogurt
The traditional colon cleansing, which was practiced by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers – fasting days on kefir. During the day, you need to drink 2 liters of kefir, you can water, but do not eat anything. In general, regular consumption of fermented milk products is a good way to maintain intestinal health. Kefir is recommended daily, it is possible in its pure form, it is possible with flax seeds, fruits, vegetables, bran. The action will be enhanced!
Fourth – simple colon cleansing with apples for 1 day
In apples, there is also a lot of fiber, a lot, and the fasting day on apples is the simplest and most delicious recipe for cleansing the intestines. To do this, stock up on two kilograms of sweet-sour apples and drinking water. Apples should be eaten every two hours, in equal portions, drink plenty of water. Nothing more to eat this day. Such fasting days can be held a couple of times a month, the result will be excellent!
![Cleansing The Colon Naturally](../wp-content/uploads/2018/11/cleansing-the-colon-naturally-200x200.jpg)
Cleansing The Colon Naturally
Fifth. Mild colon cleansing with vegetables
Vegetables – an excellent natural remedy for cleansing the intestines. In addition, low-calorie and inexpensive. The principle is the same – during the day you need to eat at least a kilogram of fresh non-starchy vegetables and drink plenty of water.
Raw vegetables are rich in fiber, but do not contain sugar, unlike apples, so this diet for cleansing the intestines is even more preferable if you lose weight. Eat beets, carrots, cabbage, celery, radishes, cucumbers, zucchini, sweet peppers. Be sure to raw. You can gnaw, grate, cut. It is allowed to make a salad, filling with a drop of oil. One of these salads – salad Brush.
![Cleansing Your Colon At Home](../wp-content/uploads/2018/11/cleansing-your-colon-at-home-200x150.jpg)
Cleansing Your Colon At Home
Salad for a colon cleansing “Brush”, recipe
Brush, or whisk. Salad is made from simple and inexpensive products that are found in each refrigerator or in a shop around the corner. There is no need to invent anything.
We will need:
Vegetables to rub on a grater (raw) and sprinkle with lemon juice. The main thing without salt – it will hold the water. Mix well and add a drop of vegetable oil. Salad ready!
The whisk for cleansing the intestines provides a delicate colon cleanse, fortifies and nourishes, quickly and for a long time satisfies hunger. The salad is very tasty and healthy, it is recommended to eat 3 days in a row.
The best laxative to cleanse a colon
Cleansing the colon without enemas is a popular way to detoxify the body, getting rid of toxins and wastes, restoring the body’s vitality in a short time without the intervention of physicians and unnecessary material costs.
One of the old, proven methods – the sixth method, cleansing the intestines with castor oil. This natural remedy will relieve constipation, help to cope with bacteria and fungi and eliminate many problems of the gastrointestinal tract. Read more about the application in this article.
Method 7
There is another, the easiest, seventh way – cleansing the intestines with water. He is already known to all. Drink at least 10 – 12 glasses of pure non-carbonated water daily. Regular consumption of fluid will give the body the necessary lubricant, which is required for the natural excretion of toxins, toxins and waste products.
![Cleansing Colon And Weight Loss](../wp-content/uploads/2018/11/cleansing-colon-and-weight-loss-200x200.jpg)
Cleansing Colon And Weight Loss
Why is it necessary to clean the colon regularly?
It is proved that over 90% of diseases originate in the colon. And if it is clogged and slagged – the case is bad. The body gradually poisons itself, chronic diseases arise, a person becomes sluggish, weak, his immunity decreases, his mood worsens. Ultimately, medical intervention will be required. Please monitor your health!
IMPORTANT: we do NOT recommend any medications – ONLY a doctor can prescribe them. We are talking only about prevention and suggest cheap means for cleansing the intestines of natural origin – fruits, vegetables, flax seeds.