Fat loss diet

Fruit for slimming
If you do not have excess weight, you’re lucky. Millions of earthlings, unfortunately, are not. Nowadays obesity is a worldwide problem. It is created a lot of different techniques to get rid of extra pounds: special diet and exercise, folk remedies and massage, medical intervention. Fat people are doing everything possible to regain a slim figure. Best results can be obtained when using the whole complex for weight loss. It consists of proper nutrition, exercise and treatments at the spa. But when this is not possible, then the most effective way of losing weight can be a diet.
The main objective of fat loss diet is to regulate the operation of the entire digestive system.
Basic principles of diet

Fruit and vegetables

Melt water
In most cases, the extra weight comes from improper nutrition. Therefore, the basic principle of the diet – adjust food intake. The basis of it should include foods rich in fiber. This is vegetables, fruits, herbs, cereals.
Protein foods of animal origin (meat, fish, eggs), should appear in your diet two or three times a week. Vegetable protein, which is found in the seeds and nuts in your menu can be every day. But no more than two ounces.
During the diet you should drink plenty of water. Experts recommend to use mineral water without gas, purified water or melted water. Anyone can learn the cooking technology of melt water. This requires a bottle, preferably with a wide neck. Fill it with water and put it in the freezer. After a few hours the water is covered with a thin layer of ice. This ice you have to remove. The remaining water should be frozen. After complete freezing, water thaws out and you can drink it in small sips (2 pints per day).
Fat loss diet involves split meals. You need to eat frequently (up to seven times per day), but little by little. The last meal is desirable for three hours before bedtime.
Restrictions during the diet
The first thing that should be excluded during the diet is alcohol. All alcohol drinks hinder proper metabolism. And if you want to see your belly flat, the proper metabolism plays a major role. Such a bad habit, like smoking, is excluded for the same reason. Limit the use of sweet and pastry (sweets, cakes, muffins, jam). Fatty and fried foods during this period should be deleted from your menu. Semi-finished products, mayonnaise, ketchup, fast – food, sodas, strong tea and coffee, pickles are also undesirable.
Sample menu diet for 3 days

1st day – for breakfast, you can enjoy a cup of green tea, a glass of fresh squeezed juice of apples and carrots. Between breakfast and lunch – nuts (two ounces of walnuts or hazelnuts). For lunch – boiled brown rice, salad with fresh seasonal vegetables, orange or apple. At dinner – fish (two-ounce, low-fat varieties), grilled vegetables (half a pound).
2nd day – Breakfast: half a grapefruit or apple. Between breakfast and lunch – salad of vegetables or fruit, a glass of carrot juice (fresh, squeezed). Lunch – buckwheat porridge, tomatoes (2 pcs.), A small bunch of grapes, herbal tea. Dinner – chicken breast cooked or baked (half a pound), steamed vegetables, tea with mint.
3rd day – Breakfast: oatmeal, baked apples. Snack – grapes, still mineral water (1 cup). Lunch – boiled fish (half a pound), carrots with sour cream (3 oz), mineral water (1 cup). Dinner – yogurt (low-fat, half a pound), a banana.

Boiled rice
Sample menu for fat loss diet
Breakfast – cheese (3 ounces, solid, low-fat varieties), toast, green tea.
Lunch – boiled rice, vegetable salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, peppers).
Dinner – boiled beef (half a pound), a salad of cabbage and cucumbers.
Breakfast – toast (wholemeal), yogurt (half a pound).

Dinner – chicken meat or boiled beef (3 oz), baked eggplant, apple juice (half a pound).
Breakfast – cottage cheese (low fat) cup of weak coffee or tea.
Lunch – boiled rice (3 ounces), boiled beef (3 oz.)
Dinner – tomato and onion salad (half a pound), seasoned with vegetable oil.
Before going to bed – tomato juice (half a pound).
Lunch – fish, boiled or steamed (5 ounces low-fat varieties). Salad – sauerkraut, onions, green peas.
Dinner – boiled rice, apple.
On the night – apple juice (half a pound of fresh squeezed).
Breakfast – veal (3 ounces, boiled), tea or coffee, rather weak.
Lunch – vegetable soup on rather weak broth, bread and bran.
Dinner – boiled rice, boiled chicken (5 oz.)
Breakfast – toast, yogurt (1 cup fat-free).
Lunch – baked potato (2 pcs.), Carrot salad with sour cream, boiled fish (5 oz.)
Dinner – salad of fresh vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers), boiled beef (3 oz.)
Breakfast – 1 boiled egg, oatmeal cookies (2 pcs.), herbal tea.
Lunch – boiled rice, boiled turkey (3 oz.)
Dinner – boiled chicken meat (half a pound), fruit salad (pear, orange, apple, plum).
Diet and exercise

Exercises with hoop
During a diet that will help lose your stomach and thighs, very useful to do physical exercise program. Good assistant to burn fat on the thighs and abdomen – hoop. You can also do side slopes and turns of the body, right and left, squats. Effective are the circular motion of the upper and lower parts of the body. Exercise called “bicycle”, will help you well. To do this, lie on your back, put your feet up and twist your feet as if you are riding a bicycle. Just 20 minutes a morning exercise, and the result is fantastic.
Pay attention to your posture. If you walk or sit with a curve spin, such a body posture called stoop. It may also be the reason that the stomach will stick out forward and sag. Make sure that your body stretched out in full growth. Because the abdominal muscles will stretch and your stomach will diminish. Make a regular exercise to retract the stomach.
At the same time breathe correctly. Deep breath – relaxes the stomach, exhale – draw in the stomach. After a couple weeks of training your stomach becomes elastic, and so-called “ears” on the hips markedly reduced.
Useful Tips
- Very useful during the struggle with excess fat on the abdomen and sides, visit bathhouses. If this is not possible, then at least take a contrast shower. This will help your body to get a charge of vivacity and activates the blood vessels. This means that you will improve your metabolism.
- Take care of your skin. When you lose weight, use a variety of creams and masks that the skin remains supple and taut. Good effect in losing weight gives trituration your belly with mineral water (half a pound) with the addition of essential oils of verbena (3 drops). Mix well the mixture, put on the abdomen and thighs. After this massage the skin on your problem areas will acquire its former elasticity.
- Do not need to shy away from a procedure such as an enema. When you are completely cleans your bowels, you can quickly normalize your weight. And remember that beauty demands victims.
- Monodiets very effective for weight loss of stomach and sides. There are several. Most popular – rice, buckwheat and kefir. They make body lean and clean the body of toxins. Such diets are recommended from several days to two weeks. Wish you pleasant and healthy diet!