How To Get Rid Of Bloating – 6 Tips For Every Day?

Bloating is awful. This is not only unpleasant, but also visually enlarges the stomach. You can not wear a narrow skirt, have to be content with a shapeless robe. In addition, bloating provokes increased gas formation. But the problem has a solution – bloating can be prevented. And there are a number of proven and well-working methods – let’s talk about them.

Abdominal distension: how to get rid?

There may be a lot of causes of bloating: it is unhealthy eating, overeating, poor chewing of food, talking over food and even lack of sleep or stress. Constipation is also strongly affected. But most often it is the eating of foods that provoke bloating and gas formation. Usually it is legumes, yeast and dairy products, flour, carbonated drinks, alcohol, as well as stale food. But all individually. Therefore, it is worthwhile to listen to the body and note after what food there is bloating, and in the future try not to use these products.

Who Hates Bloating

From bloating and gas will help:

  • pure non-carbonated water – drink as much as possible during the day, you can add a slice of lemon;
  • anti-bloating products: watermelons, wild berries, green tea, avocado, citrus;
  • moderation; if you plan a feast, try to control yourself. The uncontrollable eating of incompatible products will inevitably lead to the fact that you will again be inflated like a ball. For example, mayonnaise salads and bread, meat and vegetables, potatoes and sweets;
  • calm; after eating do not make sudden movements – do not run, do not jump, do not dive, even taking a bath or shower is not recommended. It is better to wash the dishes slowly, take a walk, massage the belly in the navel in a clockwise direction for 2 to 3 minutes;
  • thorough chewing and unhurried meals – no need to snack on the raid, chat with friends with enthusiasm or watch TV. If you do not want bloating, concentrate solely on food!
  • Abdominal Distention

  • and of course, do not eat at night, and also avoid icy and too hot dishes. Take the food out of the fridge a little in advance so that they can warm up. And hot, from the stove, cool slightly.
  • If you have a constant bloating, from everything that you have eaten, and no tricks or remedies help, please visit a doctor! This may be a signal that you have more serious health problems. Be attentive to yourself!

    Please note that we have listed only the possible reasons causing increased gas formation and bloating. Only a doctor can say for sure!