How To Take L-carnitine For Weight Loss?

L-carnitine has become widely known as a drug for weight loss. It was created at the beginning of the twentieth century, but its popularity reached its peak in the 1980s, when athletes began to actively use it. How useful is it, is it worth taking it and who can do it? Among physicians there is no consensus on this score, but the effect of the drug has been studied quite well.

What is L-carnitine?

Although L-carnitine is used for weight loss, it does not belong to the number of fat burners. Initially, he was referred to the group B vitamins, but later this opinion was refuted by scientists. This is a substance of animal origin, the human body also synthesizes it from amino acids. L-carnitine plays an important role in the functioning of mitochondria – these microscopic “energy stations” located inside the cells. Its task is to transport fatty acids, without which the mitochondria can not provide cells with energy.

L-carnitine For Weigh Loss

Thus, the substance does not destroy fat, but contributes to its participation in metabolism. The rate of fat consumption is directly proportional to the intensity of blood flow, which depends on the degree of physical activity. The drug increases the effectiveness of exercise, but if you do not do them, then it is useless to take L-carnitine. Reviews show that some people managed to achieve good results without sports or fitness, but doctors explain it with a placebo effect: the result would be the same if these people took “empty” pills and genuinely believed that they contribute to weight loss.

L-carnitine and sport

Especially appreciate the drug athletes and fitness models. They take it to increase endurance and enhance the effect of “drying” – building muscle mass while reducing the percentage of fat, but the tool does not have a direct impact on these processes.

Scientists attribute L-carnitine to the number of conditionally irreplaceable substances: the body produces it, but this requires some substances that it can only receive from the outside with food:

Before And After

  • methionine;
  • lysine;
  • carbohydrates and fats;
  • vitamins B and C.
  • Athletes also follow a special diet, as a result, the body can not produce L-carnitine in sufficient quantities. Taking l-carnitine does not help them lose weight, but compensates for the lack of this substance. Not only athletes, but also vegetarians suffer from its shortage, because the essential acids necessary for its synthesis can only be obtained from animal products. Vegans who follow the most radical plant-based diet, pill carnitine is no less useful than for sportsmen.

    Benefits and harms of the drug

    Those who dream of quick weight loss without diets and exercise do not make sense to take L-carnitine, but its effect on the body brings many other equally valuable results:

  • increase endurance;
  • prevention of osteoporosis, fractures and arthritis, especially in the elderly;
  • lower blood sugar levels;
  • improvement of spermatogenesis in men;
  • strengthening of immunity.
  • Who should not use l-carnitine? The instruction to the drug indicates only one contraindication – individual intolerance, but side effects may occur during the intake process. Some people have:

    прием л-карнитина

  • violation of the bowels;
  • bouts of vertigo;
  • insomnia;
  • nausea;
  • increased nervous irritability and even aggressiveness.
  • In such cases, the drug is better to refuse.

    Method of application

    Dosage and schedule depends on the form of the drug:

  • L-carnitine liquid in the form of a syrup is drunk three times a day, five milliliters each.
  • Capsules or tablets are taken two or three times daily, the total daily dose varies from 250 mg to 500 mg.
  • L-carnitine in powder form is taken 1 g per day.
  • The level of physical activity makes adjustments to the above scheme. Professional athletes recommended a single dose of large doses before exercise. Half an hour before it starts, you need to drink 15 ml of syrup or take from 500 to 15000 mg in capsules. With a particularly intense load (for example, immediately before the competition) increased doses are allowed – from 9 to 15 g daily.

    When deciding on the use of L-carnitine, you need to consult with your doctor – a specialist in sports medicine, he will select the optimal dosage and schedule of admission.