NEAT Approach Helps Lose Weight Without Sports

Every person dreams of becoming the owner of a slim and elastic body, but one diet is not enough for this. Requires regular training. Only proper nutrition and physical activity are the key to health, youth and beauty. But what if there is no time to go to the gym and do the exercises at home? There is an exit! It is recommended to expend calories by increasing the level of NEAT.

NEAT – what is it? Operating principle

NEAT – is absolutely any physical activity that is carried out throughout the day. But it does not include sports disciplines. If a person spends more calories than he achieves, he will quickly begin to lose weight. It is worth noting that you can not only lose weight, but even pump up muscles. Low activity, on the contrary, will lead to the fact that fat mass will accumulate. That is why people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, often suffer from overweight.

Walk The Dog

How to increase the level of NEAT?

Increasing the level of NEAT is required gradually. Increasing the level of NEAT is required gradually. If you begin to actively move after a sedentary lifestyle, then the next day you will have sore muscles. Gradually, regular burning of calories will become a habit. For example, during the day you can do the following:

  • While at home, you should not sit all day on the couch in front of the TV screen. There will always be those things that will help to expend calories. Wipe the dust, tidy up in the cabinets, wash by hand, wash the dishes – all this helps to burn calories.
  • If you have small children, you can combine business with pleasure. Play with them in hide and seek, catch up, take a walk on the streets. This will not only improve the mood of the kids, but also strengthen the health of the whole family.
  • Running For Health

  • It’s absolutely not necessary to sit and talk over a cup of tea all evening. Why not help your loved one? This will make it enjoyable and will benefit your figure. Help a friend set the table or wash the dishes after a feast.
  • You should strive to be always in motion: at home and at work. Do not shout from the next room to your spouse. It is better to approach him and in a calm voice to communicate what they wanted. In the evening, you can make him enjoyable, for example, bring a cup of hot tea or serve TV remote control.
  • Sitting work is the main enemy of health. Therefore, you should not spend the whole day at your desk, it is recommended to walk along the corridor during the lunch break and periodically do a little warm-up, for example, taking a quick step to the cooler to pour a glass of water. It is required to make the evening after sedentary work as active as possible, for example, go shopping or walking a dog.
  • It is recommended to stop using the elevator and vehicle for short distances. It is much more useful to walk and climb stairs. The goal of the NEAT is to organize leisure activities so that as many movements as possible are made on the day.

    NEAT Walking

    NEAT benefits

    The benefits of increasing the level of NEAT for the human body are multifaceted. This will not only lose weight, but also perform 2-3 times more useful tasks per day. It is worth noting that a person who leads an active lifestyle, looks younger and lives longer.

    But physical activity, as the purpose of losing weight, makes sense only if it is combined with proper nutrition. If, after an eventful, active day, you decide to have a good dinner, filling up the calories burned, all work will be in vain.