What To Eat To Lose Weight In The Waist?
To lose weight in the waist and reduce the tummy, do not necessarily exhaust yourself with loads and sit on a strict diet.
It is enough to review your diet a little.
What to eat to lose belly fat?
Be sure to include the following foods in your diet.
Natural fiber (vegetables, fruits). Fiber plays an important role in the regulation of digestion. It is due to dietary fiber that the mechanical movement of food products along the gastrointestinal tract occurs. Fiber quenches hunger and prolongs the feeling of saturation, like a brush, cleanses the body from toxins and toxins. Lack of fiber leads to an increase in blood glucose levels, frequent constipation. It is one of the causes of obesity. More about the benefits of fiber for weight loss in this article.
Oily fish. This product must be present in the menu if you care about the beauty of the waist. In fish, a huge amount of unsaturated fatty acids that can accelerate the metabolism, to prevent the aging process.
Products with negative calorie content. Products such as green lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, white poultry, radishes, celery, sorrel and others can reduce the calorie intake by 30 – 40%. In addition, they have a lot of fiber. What is negative calorie content, as well as a complete list of products with negative calorie content, look here.
What not to eat for losing weight?
To have a slim waist, avoid anything that contributes to gas and bloating. This is alcohol, white bread, carbonated drinks, sweets, fatty meat. Continue the list yourself. Surely, you have already noted for yourself products from which the stomach becomes like a balloon. Everyone has their own list.
These tips will help, provided that you need to get rid of a few centimeters at the waist, and not lose weight by 6 sizes. If the parameters do not suit you categorically, you will have to do physical exercises.